maybe I'm a little late to discuss the valentine. but since is still in the month of February did not matter if I show off a little bit about valentine this year.
Last year, I did not receive any valentine gift, actually I did not really expect a gift, but this year, jagi's friends took me to exchange gifts with jenny, metta and meme.
unfortunately I did not have a picture they present, because all are in memory of my bb is now being hospitalized. I just have some of them that I uploaded to facebook.

I make a lot, for jagi, and for liana. and after making chocolate-brown, I can no longer resist my feeling tired, and immediately went to bed, dreaming of the beautiful things about us. haha
actually I kinda doubt make him so much chocolate, just fear he will be sick after eating chocolate that much, but it's not me if i am not evil right? hahaha

I also made a clay frame that was already planned from last january, since I could not make it myself, so I ask my friend to help me to make it.
I'm really interested to learn about clay, so if I have managed to make it I will make very much about our miniature, but I think it is quite difficult to learn clay, and in jambi absolutely nothing is open courses for it.
a few days ago I also ordered a pair of key chain for both of us are made of clay. I designed it myself, and I hope it will be nice key chain as I hoped.
that picture above, is I take special to show you what I give him for this valentine, Im just too happy to give those gift. i never expect any gift from him, cause I really really only want to make him happy. the one thing that make me so happy is he put that clay in his living room, and also how his mom expression when see what i give to him. hahaha im just too happy cause never get attention like this.
you see the big gold box? It is a gift that jagi given me, unfortunately I did not want to share to anyone, I can not display photos on gift.
rather than can not, but I do not want to, because I too like his gift, and I really appreciate it as a secret between me and him. the only people who know it is only liana.
okay I'll give a little leak, inside the box there are so many heart-shaped paper is folded by himself. jagi said he began to fold it every night in January until 1 am, and because I so loved it, now every night I write all the papers that heart-shaped with all my feelings about him.
he also gave me a cd containing the video, which actually does not make me cry when I first watched it, *wakakaka sorry jagi* I just moved and could not speak. but the night when he was sick and we can not meet, somehow I actually cried watching the video, maybe because I too miss him.
He also gave me the film rolls containing photographs of us, my pictures. and I have not even ruin it within 24 hours. T_________T
fortunately jagi able to return to fix them, and this time of course I will guard it well.
yahhh this year all went smoothly, Valentine's smooth, and what about white day later? hehehe.
I'm really interested to learn about clay, so if I have managed to make it I will make very much about our miniature, but I think it is quite difficult to learn clay, and in jambi absolutely nothing is open courses for it.
a few days ago I also ordered a pair of key chain for both of us are made of clay. I designed it myself, and I hope it will be nice key chain as I hoped.

rather than can not, but I do not want to, because I too like his gift, and I really appreciate it as a secret between me and him. the only people who know it is only liana.
okay I'll give a little leak, inside the box there are so many heart-shaped paper is folded by himself. jagi said he began to fold it every night in January until 1 am, and because I so loved it, now every night I write all the papers that heart-shaped with all my feelings about him.
he also gave me a cd containing the video, which actually does not make me cry when I first watched it, *wakakaka sorry jagi* I just moved and could not speak. but the night when he was sick and we can not meet, somehow I actually cried watching the video, maybe because I too miss him.
He also gave me the film rolls containing photographs of us, my pictures. and I have not even ruin it within 24 hours. T_________T
fortunately jagi able to return to fix them, and this time of course I will guard it well.
yahhh this year all went smoothly, Valentine's smooth, and what about white day later? hehehe.
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