a man named Andi Kurniawan sent to me into a boyfriend who fill my days beautifully. * Alay mode on *
exact date of 12 December 2010 we started a relationship, and now have 2 months more I date with him.
I get a lot of different experience and feeling from the previous ex. where a sense of fun, togetherness with friends, taste funny, caring which is so abundant and the days that always feels so nice.
my relationship with him now makes me feel a lot of new things that is really different.
one thing I remember, when we went out and came home the rain, I feel like laughing for some reason. I just remember when i was in high school when I ever said I like the feel of rain always make me want to laugh and dance and it was the first time I feel with someone who really special. and this time he wore his raincoat to me, while himself throws cold rain. he is just so sweet and so kind. he is different. he is polite and never do unpolite thing like so many girls said about boys.

then when my birthday, he called me promptly at 12 midnight and sang a birthday song for me, and that night he brought me a birthday cake that I never get from any guy. I just touched by the little things he does.
and when New Year's Eve I just say one wish, that hopefully I can continue to see his cheery smile throughout this year and forever. Amen.
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