Minggu, 19 Februari 2012

Come Back

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make up, hair do by Liana Ly

Holla!! I'm back again..
after long time I never post anything in my blog.
cause I never sign in anymore almost I forgot about the password. lol.
That has so many things that happened when I didn't post my blog.
I was so busy with college, because I've reached the end of the semester, I should be busy with the making ofa thesis. sometimes stressful period was coming, until I did not even want to touch your laptop or computer todo anything.
the guidance day have passed, and I just need to collect thesis, I hope that in March, I can through my thesis session well, and graduated with a satisfactory value.
and im so sorrryyyyyy for all comment that I cant reply. so anything to ask just follow my twitter. @chibikawaii
and we can share anything there. thanks for reading. and I'm waiting for ur mentions :)

Senin, 28 Maret 2011

Eat Your Kimchi Visits The Hello Kitty Café

1 komentar

Martina and Simon are a young, married Canadian couple teaching English in Bucheon, South Korea. The adventurous duo have a website called Eat Your Kimchi, and a YouTube channel devoted to documenting their life in a foreign country.

A recent episode had them visiting the Hello Kitty Café located in Seoul, South Korea. It's cute to watch Martina's unbridled enthusiasm for all things pink, in contrast to Simon's disgust over the whole ordeal. While the café features adorable Hello Kitty Lattes, pink ice cream sauce, and a dizzying all-Hello Kitty interior, in the end the couple were disappointed, describing it as a "cramped cafe full of Hello Kitty paraphernalia." No matter, if I ever found myself in Korea, I would still definitely check it out! Watch the video above for more!

Jumat, 25 Februari 2011

Valentine this year

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maybe I'm a little late to discuss the valentine. but since is still in the month of February did not matter if I show off a little bit about valentine this year.
Last year, I did not receive any valentine gift, actually I did not really expect a gift, but this year, jagi's friends took me to exchange gifts with jenny, metta and meme.
unfortunately I did not have a picture they present, because all are in memory of my bb is now being hospitalized.
I just have some of them that I uploaded to facebook.

me, meme, jenny and metta

and also, I made something special for my jagi, this year I'm trying to make my own a little chocolate mixed with sweat. wakakaka
I make a lot, for jagi, and for liana. and after making chocolate-brown, I can no longer resist my feeling tired, and immediately went to bed, dreaming of the beautiful things about us. haha
actually I kinda doubt make him so much chocolate, just fear he will be sick after eating chocolate that much, but it's not me if i am not evil right? hahaha

this is my own chocolate

our clay frame

I also made a clay frame that was already planned from last january, since I could not make it myself, so I ask my friend to help me to make it.
I'm really interested to learn about clay, so if I have managed to make it I will make very much about our miniature, but I think it is quite difficult to learn clay, and in jambi absolutely nothing is open courses for it.
a few days ago I also ordered a pair of key chain for both of us are made of clay. I designed it myself, and I hope it will be nice key chain as I hoped.

that picture above, is I take special to show you what I give him for this valentine, Im just too happy to give those gift. i never expect any gift from him, cause I really really only want to make him happy. the one thing that make me so happy is he put that clay in his living room, and also how his mom expression when see what i give to him. hahaha im just too happy cause never get attention like this.

you see the big gold box? It is a gift that jagi given me, unfortunately I did not want to share to anyone, I can not display photos on gift.
rather than can not, but I do not want to, because I too like his gift, and I really appreciate it as a secret between me and him. the only people who know it is only liana.
okay I'll give a little leak, inside the box there are so many heart-shaped paper is folded by himself. jagi said he began to fold it every night in January until 1 am, and because I so loved it, now every night I write all the papers that heart-shaped with all my feelings about him.
he also gave me a cd containing the video, which actually does not make me cry when I first watched it, *wakakaka sorry jagi* I just moved and could not speak. but the night when he was sick and we can not meet, somehow I actually cried watching the video, maybe because I too miss him.
He also gave me the film rolls containing photographs of us, my pictures. and I have not even ruin it within 24 hours. T_________T
fortunately jagi able to return to fix them, and this time of course I will guard it well.

yahhh this year all went smoothly, Valentine's smooth, and what about white day later? hehehe.

How bout last night?

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These days I'm really bored, first because my beloved bb eventually have to be checked and separated from me for a few days, upgraded, and others. a few days without my bb really painful, hollow and boring. there was no entertainment, no fuel, and sms. huaaaaaa: ((
facebook also becoming increasingly deserted, every update status no one comment, really sad. wakaka
but last night was a very beautiful night, although there are still loads two subjects that have not finished, but I'd be on holiday for some time until march 2, because this weekend I was really free! yeah!
last night .. haha I really can not share with anyone, even on a blog, completion of my exam on campus, I'm picked up by jagi, because he also just got home from work, without a bath he immediately picked me up in college, I ended up waiting for his bath to his house first and eating, in fact I plan on eating at home, but I think I got a
"want to eat suddenly" syndrome , and finally I decided to take him to eat "MIE HIJAU" hahaha.
I met some college friends there, and after that we went to the Ly's house, and finally went home.
I showed him the videos webcam recordings when I was stressed and talking to myself in front of the camera.
oh damn I'm really embarrassed to see he know all the contents of my heart for this, but I tried to open minded and do not want to cover anything from him, therefore, I did not mind when he asked me to show the video speech like i have entered into cable tv artist.
affection which is so abundant in all things I feel that I'm through with him, and I think I just want to always be with him.
I just hope that this time I'll be fine with him, and I did not want to feel heart broken for the second time. hopefully all goes well. forever and ever. hope so. Amen.

Kamis, 24 Februari 2011

I cut my hair..

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I really liked my long hair is curly, all say I like Korean girl :p *hope something too much* and I really liked it although it takes time and extra energy to take care of it.
but in the end I had to cut my hair short, because of loss. T_________T
I'm pretty sad to lose my hair, and I really can not wait to go back length hair.
'Jagi'>> name that I use to call andi kur. say if it was not a matter of long hair, short, straight or curly, in essence, I changed so much, from a spoiled girl becomes a girl who is more mature both in appearance and attitude.
heey. I've semester 5, even a minute I was ready to arrange KP and my thesis, no time to be childish and become like a schoolgirl.
even so I still miss the my long curly hair. huaaaaaa ..

chibi is back

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how a chibi again active on the blog in a long while to spend time to meditate. LOL. I changed my appearance in various ways to relieve stress at first, trying to be someone who is more mature and open-minded. finally God sent me someone who I hope will be the best, although he was not the first I just hope he will be the last.
a man named Andi Kurniawan sent to me into a boyfriend who fill my days beautifully. * Alay mode on *
exact date of 12 December 2010 we started a relationship, and now have 2 months more I date with him.
I get a lot of different experience and feeling from the previous ex. where a sense of fun, togetherness with friends, taste funny, caring which is so abundant and the days that always feels so nice.
my relationship with him now makes me feel a lot of new things that is really different.
one thing I remember, when we went out and came home the rain, I feel like laughing for some reason. I just remember when i was in high school when I ever said I like the feel of rain always make me want to laugh and dance and it was the first time I feel with someone who really special.
and this time he wore his raincoat to me, while himself throws cold rain. he is just so sweet and so kind. he is different. he is polite and never do unpolite thing like so many girls said about boys.

then when my birthday, he called me promptly at 12 midnight and sang a birthday song for me, and that night he brought me a birthday cake that I never get from any guy. I just touched by the little things he does.
and when New Year's Eve I just say one wish, that hopefully I can continue to see his cheery smile throughout this year and forever. Amen.

My Andi Kur :p

2 komentar

seorang chibi tak perlu punya pacar yang bawa bmw
seorang chibi tak perlu di bawa ke restaurant mahal berbintang 5
seorang chibi tak perlu punya pacar yang bisa bawa keliling dunia
seorang chibi tak perlu punya pacar yang bawa kapal pesiar
seorang chibi cukup dengan seorang andi kur yang jelek
seorang chibi cukup dengan andi kur dan teman2nya yang menyenangkan
seorang chibi cukup dengan seorang andi kur yang sederhana
karena seorang andi kur yang sederhana membuat seorang chibi merasa sempurna ♥

kalimat sehari-hari dalam bahasa korea

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( Annyong hasimnika ? ) Apa kabar ? Selamat Pagi, Siang, Sore, Malam ( Informal )
안녕히 가십시요 ( Annyonghi Gasipsiyo ) Selamat Jalan
안녕히 가세요 ( Annyonghi Gaseyo ) Selamat Jalan ( Informal )
안녕히계십시요 ( Annyonghi Gyesipsiyo ) Selamat Tinggal
안녕히계세요 ( Annyonghi Gyeseyo ) Selamat Tinggal ( Informal )
안녕히주무세요 ( Annyonghi Jumuseyo ) Selamat Tidur
잘자요 ( Cal Cayo ) Selamat Tidur ( Informal )
어서 오십시요 ( Oso Osipsiyo ) Selamat datang / Silahkan Masuk
어서 오세요 ( Oso Oseyo ) Selamat datang / Silahkan Masuk ( Informal )
들어오십시요 ( Deuro Osipsiyo ) Silahkan Masuk. ( Yang menyuruh didalam )
들어 오세요 ( Deuro Oseyo ) Silahkan Masuk ( Informal )
들어 가십시요 ( Deuro Gasipsiyo ) Silahkan Masuk ( Yang menyuruh berada diluar )
들어 가세요 ( Deuro Gaseyo ) Silahkan Masuk ( Yang menyuruh berada diluar ) ( Informal )
어떻게지냈습니까 ? (Ottokhe Jinesimnika) Bagaimana Kabar anda ?
어떻게지내세요 ? ( Ottokhe Jineseyo ) Bagaimana Kabar anda ? ( Informal )
잘지냅니다 ( Cal Cinemnida ) Baik – baik saja
잘지내요 ( Cal Cineyo ) Baik – baik saja ( Informal )
또만납시다 ( To Mannapsida ) Sampai Jumpa lagi
또만나요 ( To Mannayo ) Sampai jumpa lagi ( Informal )
실례합니다 ( Sile Hamnida ) Permisi
하세요 ( haseyo ) Silahkan
반갑습니다 ( Pan gapseumnida ) Senang berjumpa anda
반가워요 ( Pan gawoyo ) Senang berjumpa anda ( Informal )
감사합니다 ( Kamsa hamnida ) Terima kasih
( Chon mane mal seumnida ) Terima Kasih kembali
천만의요 ( Chon maneyo ) Terima kasih kembali ( Informal )
죄송합니다 ( Cwe song hamnida ) Mohon maaf
죄송해요 ( Cwe song heyo ) Mohon maaf ( Informal )
미안합니다 ( Mian hamnida ) Maaf
미안해요 ( Mian heyo ) Maaf ( Informal )
괜찮습니다 ( Kwen chan seumnida ) Tidak apa-apa
괜찮아요 ( Kwen chan ayo ) Tidak apa-apa(Informal)
잡드세요 ( Cap deuseyo ) Silahkan makan
식사하십시요 ( Siksa hasipsiyo ) Selamat makan
식사하세요 ( Siksa haseyo ) Selamat makan (Informal)
오늘 즐 거웠 습니다
( Oneul jeul gowo seumnida ) Hari ini sangat menyenangkan
오늘 즐 거웠 세요( Oneul jeul gowo seyo ) Hari ini sangat menyenangkan(Informal)
주말 잘 지내 십시요
( Ju mal cal cine sipsiyo ) Selamat berakhir pekan
주말 잘 지내 세요( Ju mal cal cineseyo ) Selamat berakhir pekan(Informal)
네, 있습니다 ( Ne, iseumnida ) Ya, ada/punya
네, 있어요 ( Ne, issoyo ) Ya, ada/punya (Informal)
아니요, 없습니다, ( Anio, opseumnida ) Tidak, tidak/tidak punya
아니요, 없어요 ( Anio, opsoyo ) Tidak, tidak/tidak punya (Informal)

좋아요 ( Coahyo ) Bagus

가옆서라 ( Gayophsora ) Kasihan
제기랄 ( Cegiral ) Sialan
그래요 ( Geureyo ) Bagus?
최고다 ( Cwegoda ) Asyik
정말 ( Congmal ) Sungguh
거짓말 ( Kojitmal ) Bohong
과연 ( Gwa yon ) Kemudian
예 ( Ye ) Ya
아, 네 ( A, Ne ) O, ya
아니오 ( Anio ) Tidak
물론 입니다 ( Mulon Imnida ) Tentu saja
안녕하십니까 ?

naaah kalimat di atas adalah kallimat yg sering sekali di ucapkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari jdi jangan lupa di hapal yah chingu……! ! !

Rabu, 01 Desember 2010

Kyuhyun, the youngest member of Super Junior

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